At its meeting this evening, Horsham CLP voted to nominate David Miliband for the party leadership contest.
It was an exciting contest as Mr. Miliband had, by far, the most first preferences but narrowly failed to secure an outright majority. When many second and third preferences went to his brother it ended up being a very close finish between the two Milibands.
Horsham CLP Chair, David Hide said:
It was great to see so many members and so many new faces at the meeting tonight to take part in this vote, but I would like to remind all members of Horsham Labour party that this was just the constituency's nomination and every member will receive a ballot paper later in the year to cast their vote in the election itself.
Although the party has nominated David Miliband, members are in no way obliged to vote for him in the contest so can vote for whoever their favourite candidate is.
Whoever wins we are all excited at the prospect of a new leader in September who will be able to hold the Tory/Lib Dem coalition to account and fight the spiteful and completely avoidable cuts they intend to impose on frontline services.
Can we also remind all members that they are welcome to attend a leadership hustings event in Crawley at the Hawth Studio next Tuesday at 7:30pm as long as they can produce their membership card.