Health meeting agenda

We have had an update on Tuesday's health meeting, hosted by the North Horsham County Local Committee in an email from West Sussex county council, including agenda items and timings.

This is an opportunity for the general public or interested organisations to hear about plans for our health services first-hand from those responsible for them and to ask questions about health services.

Details below

Please find below a schedule for the forthcoming Health Event, being hosted by North Horsham County Local Committee,  on Tuesday 20th July 2010, at the Drill Halll (Denne Road, Horsham, RH12 1JF) from 2-4pm. Notably we now have the opportunity to discuss the proposed mental health service changes.

Tea and Coffee


Chairman's introduction and welcome
Brad Watson OBE


Proposed mental health service changes
Kate Noakes, Asst Director, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.


The pilot project to extend the opening hours of Horsham Minor Injuries Unit (Horsham MIU)
This issue will be dealt with by Paul Trevethick (Area Director NE) and Sam Stanbridge (Joint Director of Commissioning for SASH) including time for a Q/A session.
Unfortunately John Wilderspin (Chief Executive, NHS West Sussex) and Sarah Creamer (Director of Planning & Governance, NHS West Sussex) are now unable to attend.


The potential new hospital and associated development at Pease Pottage
Mike Link (Head of Planning and Partnerships, Joint Commissioning, Adults & Children at West Sussex County Council) will give a general presentation about this followed by a Q/A session.


Director of Nursing, Quality and Governance (Mary Sexton) from Surrey and Sussex NHS Healthcare Trust, will speak about the CQC report and lapse in hygiene standards at East Surrey Hospital.
This will be a short presentation explaining what actions have been undertaken to improve hygiene standards followed by Q/A.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors visited East Surrey Hospital and have now found that Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust which runs the hospital fully meets the hygiene code.
The Chief Executive (Gail Wannell) and Chairman (Ian Williams) are now unable to attend


Chairmans closing remarks
Brad Watson OBE

Please do let me know if you have any queries regarding this outline or any other issue associated with the meeting.

Please note: there is no free parking available at the Drill Hall.

As before, any questions should be directed to:
James Ironside
Assistant Locality Officer, Room 105 County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ