Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 2010

Members of Horsham Labour party will be at the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival in Dorset again this year.  We might even have our banner ready and be able to take part in the parade.

The festival celebrates the events that led to the formation of the trade union movement in Britain.

Crawley Trade Council has organised a coach that will probably have some spare places that Horsham members can occupy.  Tickets are £10 each or £5 for the unwaged.  Details are in the members only section, or contact the Chair or Secretary.

The coach leaves Crawley at 0900 on July 18th and returns at about 1800.  This leaves plenty of time to see the village of Tolpuddle, watch the parade (or take part), visit the stalls, hear some speeches and catch a live band or two.  You can take a picnic or just take advantage of the range of food stalls and bars there.

It really is a good day out.

You can see some photos that Andrew took at last year's festival here.

David and Carol marching with the agricultural workers