NHS Services

Horsham Labour Party cares passionately about our NHS and we do not wish to stand idly by as the Tory led Coalition Government pushes through a series of changes that could fundamentally alter all that we feel is good about our NHS.
We support 100% the principal that the NHS is free at point of use.
We oppose the increased role of the private sector and are in favour of public services being delivered predominantly by those working within the public sector.
We  support the principal that health care professionals should deliver healthcare and managers should manage.
The letter printed in full below has recently been sent to all local Practise Managers and we will update this page as and when we receive responses from them.
Please sign Labour's petition to protect front line services:
Dear Practice Manager,

At a recent meeting of the Horsham Labour Party the members discussed the contents of the leaflet produced by the BMA . Warning! Commercialising the NHS is damaging our health service. I have been asked to contact all our local GP surgeries to ask your opinions about the possible effects for local health care provision, if the Coalition Government presses ahead with their proposals.

We would like the opinion of the practice members, for example is your practice happy to manage up to 90% of the NHS budget and be placed in charge of commissioning services? All our members attend one or other of the local practices and have real concerns about the proposed changes. Horsham Labour Party members are proud of the NHS and the role our party has played in its formation and wish to play an active role in both defending and developing it for the benefit of all, free at the point of use.

Many of our members have written to the Government expressing their concerns and we are now seeking the opinions of local health care professionals.

Key issues include changes to commissioning and the scrapping of the PCTs and the greater involvement of
private companies in delivering services.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours Faithfully

Ray Chapman

Horsham Labour Party