It is exactly three weeks since the general election. In those three weeks Horsham Labour party's membership has grown by more than 7.5% and we would like to welcome all the new members who joined the party since the election and during the campaign.
We can speculate about the reasons for the surge in membership, but each individual probably has their own reasons. If you are one of the new members why not share your reasons for joining: there is an open invitation to all members, new or old, to submit articles to this website.
The important thing for now is not why we have so many new members, but what to do with them. Our aim is to make them feel welcome and encourage them to get involved in our campaigns to whatever extent they feel comfortable and to encourage them to contribute their ideas to new initiatives.
Every person has diffferent experiences, knowledge, skills, passions and talents and we look forward to finding out what our new members may be interested in and how their own unique blend of experiences fits in with us, what we can learn from them and what they might want to learn from us.
All of which leads to a message to those who have not joined the Labour party yet: what are you waiting for?
It may be that you have worked in a particular field and could improve our collective knowledge and ability to campaign by bringing that experience to the party. It may be that you would like to see the party doing more to promote some particular policy area you are passionate about, in which case why not think about joining the party and becoming an advocate or champion of those policies?
It says on all our Labour party membership cards that "by the strength of our collective endeavour we achieve more than we achieve alone". By joining not only can you help progress our existing campaigns but potentially you can get the party lending its strength to your own causes by making them our collective endeavour.