This is unusual. At conferences the films are often a way of keeping the crowd occupied while the stage is re-arranged and the next lot of speakers are being marshalled and prepared. The crowd often use the showing of films as an opportunity to take a quick comfort break without missing any of the speakers.
In this case everybody was riveted to the screen. The video was called 'Against All Odds' and it charted the history of the party from its formation to the present day, featuring many heroes of the movement and major achievements. There were huge heartfelt cheers as we were reminded of some long-gone major figure in the party or some hard-fought policy victory, like the NHS.
By the end of the film everybody felt better about themselves and about the party and had a renewed feeling of determination to work for the chance to add to the long list of party achievements.
Recently a normal party member, Ellie Gellard, started a campaign to get this film out to a wider audience. She had shown the film to friends, many of whom were not members of the party, and they all responded well to it. Ellie decided that this film should be used as the next Labour party political broadcast. Her campaign gathered momentum, as well as some high-profile supporters, and last night a version of the film was transmitted under the name 'Fighters and Believers'
The film was edited for length, and for a more general audience, but was essentially the same film that inspired the party members at the conference. It is a positive party political broadcast, concentrating on the record and history of Labour rather than just indulging in 'Punch & Judy politics'.
Many of us in the party have argued that we should have a more positive broadcast, focused on us rather than the opposition, and now it has happened.
You may have seen the film on television last night, but if you missed it you can still watch it here on YouTube. Or maybe you have already seen it and want to watch it again?
Perhaps you have even arrived at this site after seeing the broadcast and would like to know more about the party? If so, the links to the right will tell you more about Horsham Labour Party and how to join us.