The following letter was sent to the West Sussex County Times to raise awareness of two government schemes, Partnerships for Older People and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships. It was printed in today's paper.
I Think it is important for your readers to know and understand the various projects which the Labour Government has introduced in recent years.
The aim of two of these schemes is to enable various professionals to form a partnership which can work together for the good of certain groups in society. These schemes have been introduced across the country through county and district councils.
One such scheme is the Partnerships for Older People (POP). Locally this involves a group of people, including a health adviser, stationed at the Social Services office in East Street, and three other people working with the Citizens Advice Bureau.
These people liaise with local health professionals, voluntary groups such as Age Concern, and the NHS Trust, in an attempt to identify and help elderly people who may be about to experience difficulties and to try to enable them to remain independent and to stay in their own homes (which is often their wish).
If caught before problems are badly affecting their lives, it is hoped that early intervention may save them from unnecessary suffering, and make it less likely that they will have to be admitted to hospital or move into residential accommodation. Where successful this could, of course, in the long run, save county council money (our taxes) and reduce the cost to the NHS.
Another scheme, again a Labour Government initiative, is the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships which were introduced across the country shortly after the Government's Crime and Disorder Act came into effect in 1998.
Again it requires professionals to work together and to co-operate with each other and various voluntary organisations in order to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and other forms of disorder.
Locally the partnership includes, as well as the police, Saxon Weald, the fire service, the NHS Trust, a district council team and voluntary organisations such as Victim Support and the Mediation Service.
I feel it is important for local people to realise that the Labour Government has been initiating various projects which help people all over the country and that these schemes operate and help people in Conservative-run areas as well as in other regions. The schemes are aimed at helping people from all sections of society.
Secretary, Horsham Labour Party
Pondtail Road, Horsham