May we suggest you now take your votes back?
During the election campaign we met many Lib Dem voters, members and councillors, none of whom appeared to have chosen that party in order to enable a Conservative government to step in. In fact we think some of them might be understandably upset to see what is happening in Westminster.
How ironic it is that if Godfrey Newman had succeeded in beating Francis Maude he would now be joining the government benches alongside Nicholas Soames, George Osborne, and all the rest!
We would like to remind voters in Horsham and members of Horsham Liberal Democrats that there is still a party locally that remains opposed to impending cuts in services, that has campaigned against cuts in Horsham council services, and will continue to fight for local services. You might like to think about joining the party that offers the only real alternative to Tory rule and to Tory cuts.
Seriously - think about joining the Labour party to not only send a message to Nick Clegg but also to help us in our continuing crusades to get Horsham council to restore its play schemes and to stick to its own targets of 40% affordable housing.