Horsham Labour Party is pleased to announce that it will be contesting all divisions across both the district and constituency
Our candidates are:
Arleene Piercy
Arleene has lived in West Sussex for 40 years. Atrained teacher with experience of vocational education in Business and Leisure Tourism, she also worked as a Principal Moderator for an Examination Board. Arleene is a former Parish Councillor and is actively involved in Patient Participation.
Arleene along with the whole of the Labour Party is delighted to welcome the establishment of the South Down National Park and believes this is the best way to protect the area for the benefit of future generations as well as ensure the interest of present stakeholders.

Antony Bignell
Antony lives in Pulborough and works as a lecturer at Chichester University, training the teachers of tomorrow. Antony is an experienced Labour Party candidate and in 2005 was the parliamentary candidate for Worthing West.
Antony lives within view of the South Downs and wholeheartedly welcomes the Labour Government decision to confer National Park status on this beautiful landscape.
If elected he will devote much of his time to education across the County, and has experienced first hand the difference a Labour Government has made, by the placing of investment in education as its number one priority.

Malcolm Uhlhorn
Malcolm and his wife Jill, who works for the NHS, moved to Sussex eight years ago for job commitments. Malcolm has worked in the landscape industry since he was 21 and now runs his own garden design business.
His involvement not only means that he is keenly interested in local environmental issues but also in encouraging people who are thinking of starting their own businesses.
Alison Cornell
Alison's first career was as a nurse within the NHS and since 1997 has worked full time in the parliamentary office of Crawley MP Laura Moffat.
Her experience of both local and national government will be invaluable when representing Imberdown on the County Council.

Frank Thomson
Frank has worked in education as a geography teacher for many years and has been involved in running many youth and community projects.
He passionately believes that every child deserves the best possible start, and if elected will ensure that the County Council delivers on Labour's committment to raising educational stanadards across all sectors.

Andrew Skudder
Andrew was a borough councillor for four years and chair of Crawley council's Development Control Committee.
He works in the IT department of an electronics company in Crawley, is active in his trade union, Unite the Union, and is the Labour party's prospective parliamentary candidate for Horsham.
If elected, Andrew will make sure that the county council's financial performance is fully scrutinised, and that front-line services are given a higher priority than councillor's allowances.
Ray Chapman
Ray has lived in Horsham for 27 years and has recently retired from his planning role in a multi-national company based in Crawley manufacturing radio therapy equipment.
Ray has stood for the District Council on many occasions and is still keen to be a District Councillor for Holbrook .
Ray gets things done and chairs the local youth club management committee and has been in this role for 15 yrs. He is interested in improving youth opportunities . Improving children's services is Ray's top priority

Chris Conibear
Chris has lived and worked within the district all her life. Now retired, Chris is a champion of the government's Children's centres and wants to see them rolled out across the County, further reducing inequalities and improving the life chances of all young people from whatever their background

Carol Hayton
Carol has lived in Horsham for just two years but has become a seasoned campaigner for affordable housing, improved street cleaning and for a greener Horsham.
Carol works in South London for a large housing association and knows first hand the difference first class affordable homes make to every day folk.
If elected Carol will campaign tirelessly to secure County Council land for the building of affordable housing across our Distrct.

Jonathan Austin
Jonathan lives within the Division and works in London for the BBC. In 2005 Jonathan was the parliamentary candidate in Chichester and in 2007 was the District Council candidate for Horsham Park.
Jonathan will champion a better rail service for Horsham commuters, and will devote much of his time to providing the community with first class social services and care for the elderly.

David Hide
David is chair of Horsham Labour Party and long standing member of the Party. If elected he will work for all sections of the community to deliver better services for all.
He will make it his main priority to reduce unnecessary spending and will only claim minimal expenses to ensure that he can represent the electorate in a professional manner.
David will campaign against building housing between Horsham and Broadbridge Heath unless the development is guaranteed to deliver a high percentage of affordable housing for local people.
Sheila Chapman
Sheila Chapman has lived in Horsham for 27 years. Sheila has taught science and has specialised in Special Educational Needs in the state system.
Since retiring Sheila has embarked on teaching art and design to mentalily disabled adults.
Sheila would campaign on Care in the Community together with affordable housing therefore enabling equality for all members of society.

Margaret Cornwell
Margaret spent her whole life working within the NHS and passionately believes in continuing and deepening the improvements made under Labour within the NHS. She remembers first hand the delapidated run down facilities , the ever legthening waiting lists and the demoralised staff during the bad old days, when the Tories last ran our health service. She has no truck with local Tory politicians who wish to run down our health service now.
Recently retired Margaret, if elected will seek to represent the views of all the electorate and will work tirelessly to ensure that the people of Storrington receive the very best services on offer from the County.
Southwater & Nuthurst
Jane Field