County Times questions

The County Times asked us to answer some questions about the 2011 local elections. Here are the questions along with our answers.

Labour is fielding candidates in many Lib Dem strongholds. Do you think this will split the opposition vote locally and give the Tories a clear run? Is Labour's intention to inflict so much damage locally across the country that the coalition government is pushed to the point of breaking?

This is a once in a four year opportunity for Labour supporters to elect Labour councillors. The Lib Dems are too close to the Tories, only Labour can provide an effective alternative.

Now the Lib Dems and Tories are united in government has this made it impossible to distinguish between them at a local level?

Observing them in the council chamber it is often difficult to distinguish between Lib Dem and Tory councillors, perhaps they should now stand as Con-Dems at a local level?

What impact will UKIP have on the local result - and to which type of voter are they likely to have greatest appeal?

UKIP will no doubt appeal to those who support their agenda, but these are local elections and we are fighting them on local issues.

What are the biggest challenges facing the Horsham district - and how is your party best equipped to deal with them?

Minimising the effect of the ideologically driven cuts from the Tory/Lib Dem coalition. We will protect core services that affect people’s everyday lives.

What issues are causing the biggest concern on the doorstep when you go out canvassing?

  • Absentee councillors, too many councillors once elected are never seen again, or move away like the Lib Dem from Horsham Park who lived in Hastings.
    To reassure the electorate we have produced 5 pledges which can be viewed here
  • Lack of affordable housing, the fiascos over the Acorn recycling scheme and the Old Town Hall

What have been the successes of the current Tory administration on Horsham District Council - and its weaknesses?

They have successfully ignored their own glossy strategy documents, missed their own ‘soft’ affordable housing targets, and have surely won the award for the least competent project manager. (Acorn Recycling, the Forum, old Town Hall)

Fail to deliver basic services to all, such as street cleaning and litter picking, and dismiss the views of local residents and political opponents.

Major housing developments in the district remain controversial. How should they best be determined in future?

We would invoke the Tory core strategy document but ensure all developments delivered a minimum of 40% affordable housing. Large scale developments disproportionately benefit property developers and buy- to- let speculators and not local people in need of a decent affordable home

How do we create more jobs and more homes for local young people?
We would promote more than just fine dining, encouraging small to medium size business to locate within our district. We would build a new generation of council housing, built by and for local people. These building contracts would include clauses to provide apprenticeships and job opportunities for the under 25s.

Are you committed to continuing to freeze council tax to help hard pressed families?

In the short term yes, by eradicating waste through providing better management of services. Council tax should be set at a level that ensures the cost effective delivery of vital public services.