Horsham’s Labour candidate declares interests

In March 2010 the Ministry of Justice issued guidance about declarations of interest to all parliamentary election candidates in response to a recommendation by the Committee for Standards in Public Life.

Producing a declaration is voluntary but the recommendation was that candidates should publish a declaration of their interests and publicise this declaration on their website if they have one and through the local media.

Although such a declaration is not mandatory, our candidate, Andrew Skudder, has chosen to publish his own interests in order to be completely transparent, and they have been on Horsham Labour party’s website since March 24th.

Andrew said:

After the scandals involving MPs last year I think it is important for all candidates to be totally clear about what property, shareholdings and income they have and what they would do in the event of being elected. I have published my own declaration of interests and I hope that all the other candidates have as well.

With so much attention given to such matters during the past year the voters should be able to see exactly what candidates’ intentions are.
