Responses to Philip Circus' opinions on climate change

Last week's local paper contained an opinion piece by the ever-controversial Philip Circus, where he boasted of not believing in 'the global warming bandwagon', mentioned the 'bad science of global warming' and declared that anybody who thinks otherwise is an 'eco-fascist'.

There were several responses to this in the letters page this week.

One person said that Circus was 'playing Russian roulette with the lives of our grandchildren'. Another accused him of being in denial and at odds with the rest of his party, and a third dismissed his opinions as 'balderdash'.

All these responses, as well as the County Times' own 'Comment' piece are assuming that Philip Circus is some sort of eccentric and lone voice of dissent in the Tory party. Our opinion is that he is actually speaking for the silent majority in the Tory party that David Cameron and Francis Maude are desperately hoping will stay silent until next year's elections are out of the way.