This letter was printed in the West Sussex County Times today, re-inforcing the points made by Horsham Labour Party's campaign on affordable housing.
The cave-in by the council over the level of affordable housing that Berkeley Homes will accept on the West of Horsham development seems more crass with each week that passes.
Can't wait for Countryside Properties to ask for similar treatment West of the A24.
Extraordinarily, it now appears that Berkely Homes does not own the land but has an option arrangement to purchase when planning permission, with its conditions, is granted.
According to councillor David Jenkins, that arrangement goes back to 1995 when no planning proposals existed.
The value of the land is determined by the content of any planning permission together with whatever conditions and agreements the council decides to apply for the benefit of the town.
One such agreement covered the provision of affordable housing to be provided within the scheme - in this case 40 per cent.
Berkely Homes wanted that reduced to 20 per cent because, it said, it cannot make it pay. Clearly Berkely Homes offered to pay too much to the owners of the land, or the owners wanted too much for it.
Pound signs flashed. Either way, they must both have acted without knowledge of what planning proposals would be forthcoming.
Hard luck. that is no concern of the council, which should stick to the 40 per cent it wanted in the first place and on which the scheme was promoted to the public, e.g. to include sufficient housing that young families could afford. That's what Horsham needs.
Roy Worskett