Horsham District Council declined the invitation to take part in the scheme, although 85% of councils up and down the country have enthusiastically joined.
We have campaigned for Horsham to join this scheme, as we feel it would have a beneficial effect on the general health of residents in these age groups.
We think this is a mistake and we are at risk of missing out on the health dividend created by winning the Olympic Games for the UK in 2012.
The Government has recently been criticised for turning its back on New Labour, for in our opinion, quite rightly increasing the rate of income tax to 50% on the very wealthiest within our society.
We do not accept this criticism, as we as a party care for the many not the few. By contrast, Tory run Councils up and down the Country continue to turn their back on progressive policies that are helping to transform the lives of so many people.
Not taking part in this Labour Government initiative is just another example of the Same Old Tories turning thier back on the many in favour of the few.
We hope the Tories change their mind , but don't hold your breath!